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Nostr: The Next Step to Micropayment Video Content Monetization?


At this past May’s 流媒体 East in Boston, I presented a session titled, 为加密构建视频付费墙, during which I talked about the nascent technology known as Nostr. Nostr, 或“通过继电器传递的笔记和其他东西”,是一个简单的网络协议, 如HTTP或RTMP, 透过互联网传送讯息, 去中心化的分布. One of the aims of Nostr is to make sure that no single entity owns your content and distribution of it, 从而分散社交媒体内容.

I had the privilege to be on site livestreaming the first Nostr “unconference” in Uvita, 哥斯达黎加, 今年3月. 您可以在此查看该事件的所有内容 http://nostrica.com

The impetus to create something like Nostr began with the Bitcoin community, which was seeking more ways to confirm known identities on the public Internet and create a path to send payments between two parties with more ease than ever before. 如果你刚接触比特币(BTC), 你可能没听说过闪电, which is a Layer 2 payment protocol based on the BTC blockchain (Layer 1). There are many, many Layer 2 blockchains for many “base” coins like BTC and Ethereum. While it is beyond the scope of this column to dive into how those layers work, know that the intention of a second layer is to increase the speed and reliability of transactions.

使用Nostr客户端(例如.g., 手机应用程序, Web浏览器应用程序), 您可以输入您的公钥和私钥, 以及您希望与该密钥对关联的元数据. 你的名字(或昵称), 描述, 资料图片, 横幅图片, 也许最重要的是, 你的闪电URL, 能依附于你的身份吗. 当你在Nostr上创建一个帖子时, you are subscribing to various Nostr relays that are responsible for storing your post and distributing it to other Nostr客户s. If you post to a relay that is not seen by another Nostr user, 那么该用户将无法使用您的消息. 大多数消息都是通过流行的中继发送的, 因此, 你很少会看到朋友的留言. 每条消息都经过加密验证, meaning that any client sending an event over Nostr uses a private key to sign the payload. So, in theory and in practice, every message can be confirmed to belong to a specific public key.

Just like security certificates can be obtained from known providers, Nostr用户, affectionately referred to as “nostriches” by many in the community, can register their public key identity with a known online service like nostrplebs.com and assign a much shorter user name to the key through that provider. 例如,我在nostrplebs上注册过.将用户名“videodoctor”与我的公钥连接起来: 


(当然, 我不会把私钥放在这里, as that would allow anyone to impersonate me on the Nostr network.)

Now, 澄清一下, there could be more than one “videodoctor” across various Nostr registration services, 但每个供应商只有一个. 在nostrplebs.Com时,完整的管理标识符为 videodoctor@nostrplebs.com. Most services offering this kind of registration accept BTC/Lightning payments for their services, and you’ll need to have a Lightning wallet loaded with some satoshis (or “sats”), 比特币的最小单位, 准备好了才能前进. Your wallet will also be your source of funds to transfer payments to other users on the Nostr network. Figure 1 shows my profile page as shown by Damus, currently the only iOS Nostr app.


Figure 1. 我的视频医生简介

一旦你有了钱包, Nostr客户, 并创建一个“经过验证的”身份, 你可以开始享受社交媒体的新世界. Again, this is nascent technology—there aren’t millions of users on Nostr yet, 但是这个社区每天都在增长. 我喜欢用iOS应用 Damus 从我的手机上创建内容, but there are Android apps and websites that enable you to create and post content as well.

The collection of Nostr-enabled widgets and APIs is also expanding daily, as early adopters work to standardize the embedding of media heavy content, 包括直播. 不像Medium或Patreon这样的内容网站, Nostr用户 who want to reward or “zap” the content creator can pay directly and in variable amounts. “电击”的通用符号是闪电, as shown below to my icon as displayed in the webpage widget, Nostri.聊天,显示在 Figure 2. Anyone else viewing the post with a connected Lightning wallet can then directly “zap” me in appreciation of the content. 在Nostri.chat, the satoshi amount increases from left to right on the roll-over. 例如,“放松”表情符号的预设值为2.5k satoshis, which at the time of this writing is equivalent to USD$0.76. 一个简单的“竖起大拇指”的表情符号只要500萨特,也就是0美元.15.

Nostr post with zapping

Figure 2. Nostr post with zapping功能.

这让我们回到了本专栏的标题: 小额支付 for 内容货币化, which for us in the streaming media world is video 内容货币化. Never mind DRM–which isn’t impossible in the world of Nostr–users in the Nostr community want ad-free content that they decide is worth paying for or not. And from what I've seen so far, commerce is happening with content delivered over Nostr. 现在该由我们来为这个新网络提供内容了.

Note: The specifications around the Nostr protocol are continuing to evolve with the concept of NIPs, 或Nostr实现可能性. These are technical proposals on how to expand the core capabilities of Nostr across all clients, which could adopt specific capabilities to address the needs of media content creators.


Dropp's Sushil Prabhu Talks Streaming Micropayment Tech and Strategy

What are 小额支付, and why are they attracting recent industry attention? Tim Siglin speaks with Sushil Prabhu of Dropp about why effective micropayment technology is needed now more than ever due to subscription fatigue and how Dropp has created a hybrid system of banking technologies combined with distributed ledger technologies to create a seamless method for users to pay for individual pieces of content.