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Now Accepting Nominations for the 2010 Readers' Choice Awards


Today we start accepting nominations for the fourth annual 流媒体 Readers' Choice Awards, still the only awards program in the streaming industry that lets the people who matter most—that is, the end users—have their say about which products, 服务, and companies are best helping them do their jobs.

In each of the last three years, more than 3,000 流媒体 readers have voted in the awards. The first step, however, is the nomination process. End users can nominate their choices in each category, or companies can submit their own products and 服务. In an effort to both acknowledge the growth of online video in general and to better reflect the differences among product and service offerings, we've expanded the number of categories this year from to 23. Some categories from past years are gone—ones in which t在这里 just weren't enough players to warrant a competition, or ones in which an apples-to-apples comparison was nearly impossible to make. (点击 在这里 看看2009年的获奖者.)


两种全行业类别中的第一种, 设计来承认产品, 技术, or service that most changed the streaming landscape in the past year.

•最佳在线视频公司2010 -技术

另一个行业范围的类别, designed to highlight the companies that made the biggest splash and are poised for long-term success—one company focused on content and another focused on 技术.


It doesn't seem fair to pit 企业-grade 编码 solutions against single-workstation software, so in this year's awards we're breaking down 编码 software into these two categories.

Solutions that offer complete control over creating, 出版, 管理, and distributing content specifically designed for the 企业 environment—not simply online video platforms that can be applied in the 企业.

Content delivery networks with truly global reach defined by both customers and capacity


和编码软件一样, it made sense to split this category into two this year, for hardware devices that capture and encode content in HD/SD and in SD only.

Platforms that allow users to easily stream live video over the web from a wide range of devices from mobile phones and webcams up through DV cameras.

Software or iPad/iPhone/Android app that allows consumers to view video on a mobile device

• Online Video Platform (Consumer - under $50 a month)
White-label or branded video 出版 platforms, again separated into two subcategories: the consumer and prosumer-level platforms and the premium platforms used by SMB, 企业, 娱乐组织.

The most innovative approach to delivering OTT video

Hardware devices designed specifically for capturing, 编码, and outputting live video from the field and on-the-go.

Content delivery networks that do the majority of their business in and have the majority of their capacity in the U.美国、加拿大、中美洲和南美洲

Solutions for delivering video viewership and/or network status reporting and analytics, whether standalone or as part of a larger offering

利用元数据的解决方案, 演讲/面部识别, or other methods to help users easily find the video they're looking for

Solutions for delivering audio and video files over the web, regardless of delivery protocol

Internet radio and other music streaming 服务

Companies that help brands execute video campaigns via online publishers

Platforms that perform ad insertion and offer pre-built placement options and success tracking

Services or products that capture video and audio, 结合幻灯片和图像, and deliver to online viewers in an interactive environment, 现场直播和/或点播.

我们将在 ugx.whqlhg.com/readerschoice 直到8月16日. We'll then evaluate all nominations to make sure they're appropriate for the categories and present them on StreamingMedia.8月30日. Reader voting will be open from August 23 until October 1, and we'll announce the top three finalists in each category on October 18.

Winners will be announced at a reception at 流媒体 West on November 2 and on StreamingMedia.com the next day, with a special feature on the winners running in the December/January issue of 流媒体 杂志.

[Note that were also running a European Readers' Choice awards program; click 在这里 投票,截止日期为8月21日.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

The Envelope Please: The 2009 流媒体 Readers' Choice Award Winners

The winners of the third-annual 流媒体 Readers' Choice Awards were announced tonight at a reception in San Jose as part of the 流媒体 West and Online Video Platform Summit events.
结婚.11月. 埃里克·舒马赫-拉斯穆森著