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云计算的投资回报率是多少. On-Prem流?

哪些主要因素促使企业决定将工作流迁移到云端,而不是留在本地? Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, Chair, 流媒体会议和CMO, id3as, 与三位重要的行业人物讨论推动其组织内部云迁移的各种变量.

Schumacher-Rasmussen以一个宽泛的问题开始了讨论:“何时做出关于云迁移的决定, 最常, do you find that those decisions are use-case-driven? Are they connected to technical feasibility issues, or are they based on more business/financial considerations?”

Schumacher-Rasmussen first asks Jef Kethley, Executive Director/President, LiveSports,有限责任公司,讲述他的经历. “我想向你求助,杰夫,他说, “because you adopted cloud – or as you call them, 的分布式,我喜欢这个术语——工作流程比我们在生产方面认识的任何人都更积极.”

“I think that most of our decisions probably start from the beginning,” Kethley says. “'Does it make the most cost-effective sense?’ But it's not for every application.Kethley强调了这种基本财务方法可以随每个用例而变化的方式. “If you wanted to do it hybrid, 回到一个颜色, or go back to our MCR [Main Control Room], 我们当然可以这么做, 但对我们来说,只需启动我们的VPC(虚拟私有云)或另一个VPC,并在那里创建我们的基础设施就很容易了. 这样我就不用担心在我的防火墙上打洞,也不用担心在我们正常的MCR里做其他事情. The MCR is just controlling the VPC at that point. 对我来说, 每台机器每小时2美元, or whatever it is that I'm using, 这只是做生意的成本,这让其他人更容易参与到我们的工作流程中,而不是让我把他们带回一个混合的情况, 把他们带回MCR, or a truck or something of that nature.” Kethley then highlights his present workflow situation as an immediate example. “We're sitting here at a university site,他说. “I fought with IT for three days to get port forwarding 和 open IPs 和 things like that. 三天. I could have done it in three minutes on the cloud.”

老科里·史密斯. Director, Advanced Production Technology, CBS体育数字频道, 派拉蒙, 讲话, “I think for a live sport type of workflow, 要摆脱卡车是很难的,因为人们已经习惯了一级汽车的外观和感觉, they have physical infrastructure on the ground at the actual event. 所以像 超级碗温布尔登网球公开赛 are always going to have this kind of Tier 1 infrastructure deployed.“然而, 他提到了一些他希望看到这些类型的实时事件工作流与云自动化更加集成的方式. “从行业的角度来看,我希望我们能够用云中的工作流程和自动化来补充实际的地面工作, that we can bridge the two worlds together in a way where it actually makes sense,他说. “因此,它实际上是对我们地面操作人员必须做的事情的补充,因为我们正在将大量不在现场的设施基础设施连接起来,使地面人员能够更有效地创造出引人注目的产品.”

“I completely agree with that,” Kethley says. “我们就是这样进入云端的. 由于我们所做的事情,我们在卡车上所能装的东西和卡车上所能装的人员都达到了一定的限制, but our clients wanted to see more content. We do a lot of professional tennis. You mentioned 温布尔登网球公开赛 – that's not one of ours, but we do a lot of professional tennis, 和 so more equals more for everybody. 他们想看到更多的球场,他们想看到更多的比赛,他们想看到一切都扩大了. There's only X amount of space that we could put a truck or trucks, or there are just no compounds like you have at the really big shows. But because of the level of what we're doing – which is the 挑战者电路 和 the tour level on the ATP tour – we are able to go in 和 leverage SRT workflows, 轻轨工作流程通过 LiveU,其他上行链路通过 亲密 这样我们就可以把内容上传到云端,然后在云中进行混音,制作图形,回放等等,而不必占用更多的空间. Because every bit of every inch here on a site is valuable to that tournament, they don't want all these trucks lined up 和 backed up. They want to have to deal with just one vendor, but they still want more content. So that's exactly what we're doing: just giving it more. 但通过利用云基础设施,我们可以以一种更经济有效的方式为他们提供服务.”

Michael Koetter, SVP of Digital Media Systems, 华纳兄弟. 发现, 讨论了以成本为导向的方法如何看待云计算工作流,导致了几个重要而令人惊讶的发现. “It was interesting when we really started peeking into it,他说. “这不仅仅是将直接采购技术与X年以上的云计算成本进行比较, whatever your depreciation period would be on that CapEx spend. 但后来我们开始缩减软件维护协议以及人们为此花费的时间, 权力和 Rackspace 而所需的技术房地产的价值,以及人们在完成整个采购调试集成工作流程时所花费的时间的比例……当你真正到达终点时, it was shockingly expensive…our eyes were kind of popping because we'd actually never done that before; we'd never had to.”

最终, Koetter笔记, 从直接证明云计算的成本效益的角度来看,这些惊人的财务披露是非常有价值的. “与云计算相比,高密度数据中心的平均成本为1 RU,这对我们来说是一个非常简单的计算, “好吧, 这是一个云系统. If we had on-prem, it would be this many RU of stuff.’ We could pretty quickly come to a return on investment.他表示,到2020年左右,“云计算方面的成本效益开始提高……第一天流出的现金要少得多,因为你只需要支付当年的成本。. And then if the business needs to pivot at some point, they don't have to figure [it] out, like they're making this gigantic bet all at once. But I think absolutely it's been a very financially driven exercise. And I think as time goes on, it's less 和 less a question of feasibility. 我们知道我们能做到.”

Learn more about cloud-based workflows at 流媒体西部2022.

看 完整的视频 from 流媒体 Connect 2022.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

云计算vs. On-Prem流媒体制作

所有流媒体生产操作是否都应该转移到云端以利用其可扩展性, 灵活性, 和 economic benefits of cloud streaming workflows? Or does on-prem still have its time 和 place? Telestream的理查德·安第斯报道, 安永的Waseem Ahmad报道, 和 IntelliVid 研究's Steve Vonder Haar debate the pros 和 cons of cloud vs. on-prem in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.

The Role of Data in Cloud Streaming Workflow Decisions

What role does data play in decisions about cloud workflows? Where does that data come from 和 what does that data tell us? 三位行业专家谈到,与在本地网络中维护和移动数据相比,将数据转移到云端最终如何简化了工作流程和成本.

What to Know When Engaging Cloud Broadcast Services

Effectively evaluating cloud broadcast services entails several essential considerations. CNN/华纳兄弟的本·拉特纳. 发现, 简·马赫是和声乐团的, 和Vimond的Megan Wagoner讨论了他们的经验,并就如何找到满足您需求的完美云广播服务提供了建议

Biggest Challenges of Moving from On-Prem to 云视频 Workflows

一些流媒体专业人士表示,自疫情撼动直播制作的核心以来,云制作在两年内取得了5-10年的进展, but when will cloud offer the sort of no-latency communication, 预览, 和 replay producers expect 和 rely on in on-prem workflows? 它是否需要生产商在硬件购买和使用方面的思维模式发生转变? Live X的科里·本克, CNN新闻,本·拉特纳报道, LiveU的Mike Savello报道, 和Signiant的Jon Finegold讨论了云迁移的挑战和云的现状,这段视频来自流媒体东部2022.

云对. On-Prem: Choosing the Right Tool for the Job

将视频基础设施迁移到云上对政府组织来说不是一件简单的事情, 学校, 和 other institutional environments, 和 even though cloud infrastucture is becoming more mainstream, 这并不总是正确的. DiscoverVideo首席执行官Rich Mavrogeanes讨论了一些政府客户和机构在云计算上走向不同方向的例子, vs. on-prem, 和 why they made the choice they did.

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