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deadmau5 Talks 'Two Massive Problems' with Streaming Video

目前阻碍视频和音频流媒体行业发展的更重要的问题是什么? Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, Chair, Streaming Media Conferences, and CMO, id3as, asks deadmau5, DJ & musician, equity partner, Stream Voodoo因为他对流媒体世界中挥之不去的技术限制的看法.

舒马赫-拉斯穆森说:“听起来你们对编解码器的开发投入了很多精力. “So within the streaming industry, H.264 is still sort of the industry standard, right?”

“Well, because it’s the common denominator,” deadmau5 says. 他强调,视频流媒体的总体问题和局限性根源在于科技行业普遍存在一种“一刀切”的心态. “It’s like Chromium and all that,” he says. “It's super easy to build in. It's just all pre-packaged stuff like that, 然后外部的应用程序设计是由程序员设计的,他们可以制作纳税申报程序, you know what I mean? They're like, just give me the API for, you know, whatever, and they'll jam it in there, and then we'll make it a thing. To my knowledge, 确实没有以视频为中心的流媒体平台插件, 无论是从点对点私有化还是通过网络和服务器委托,都是由完全理解和欣赏流媒体技术的人完成的. I'll tell you, Zoom was not built with video in mind! 直到五年后,我在很多项目中都看到了这种情况. So it's not like a big thing. 它被这些大型AAA级产品所分割,比如电子游戏. You want really good sound from a video game. 很有可能你的团队中没有懂DSP的音频主管. You're just going to get a guy that says, ‘I kind of know FMOD, let's throw that in,' right? Sell our game for $500 million. And that's fine. That's acceptable for most people because it just works.”

“Exactly,” Schumacher-Rasmussen says. “And we found at Streaming Media, when we started doing our virtual conferences in 2020, like everybody else, 我们研究了各种视频会议平台和网络直播平台, and even those, 我们发现坏掉的是视频或者失败的是视频. And I'm not going to name names…”

Deadmaus5表示,这可以归结为他所说的流媒体视频和实时音频的“两大问题”, 基本上把问题分为输出问题和输入问题. 他说:“首先,这是封装和缓冲。. 他提到了输出端的问题,比如相机电池耗尽, codec problems, or a lack of GPU RAM. 然后,在用户方面,他说,可能会出现带宽问题. “They're like, oh, no, no, it works really good,” he says. “This is just a bad internet connection.” He laughs and says, “I'm like, ‘Well, case in point,' you know?’”

“Right, exactly,” Schumacher-Rasmussen says. “我们决定使用Zoom,因为即使它不一定是在考虑到这一点, it worked pretty reliably, you know?”

“Because that's just a simple numbers game,” deadmaus5 says. “这是因为他们有资金和基础设施来建立大约5亿 Azure 确保他们在全球范围内拥有大规模的服务器冗余. We have entire data centers, whereas point-to-point does not.在谈到他们正在进行的视频通话时,他说,“我们对此不感兴趣。. This is straight through.他耸耸肩说道:“你虽然FPS只有18,但很明显……”

Learn more about codecs and streaming technology issues at Streaming Media East 2023.

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