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Online Learning Accelerates in United Arab Emirates Amid COVID-19 Outbreak with Ankabut, Mediasite伙伴关系

合作给大学带来好处, 大学, research institutions in United Arab Emirates cost-effective way to start or expand digital learning initiatives with Mediasite


The use of video learning is rapidly increasing in the Middle East due to a new partnership between Mediasite and Ankabut, the United Arab Emirates’ Advanced National 研究 and Education Network (NREN). Mediasite是Ankabut首选的视频提供商, 提供所有学院, 大学 and government agencies in the region cost-effective services to start or expand their digital learning initiatives, especially vital now as institutions must turn to online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Lecture capture and video learning in the United Arab Emirates continues to evolve, and we are seeing increased demand and expansion of the use of Mediasite in the region, 尤其是在目前的气候下,罗布·利普斯说, 执行副总裁, 声波铸造, Mediasite的开发者. “The UAE market values flexibility for how Mediasite is deployed, 这种合作关系允许在国内进行, multi-tenant cloud services environment -- a game-changer for the region, 因为它正在创造一个可靠的, feasible and economical way for institutions to embrace video learning.” 
Lipps continued: “We are extremely excited to begin this partnership with Ankabut and look forward to helping even more instructors and learners around the region experience the power of Mediasite to transform the way they teach and learn.” 
Ankabut, an initiative of long-time Mediasite user Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, connects schools and agencies together across the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It provides IT基础设施 to remove barriers to technology use and empower institutions to incorporate educational technologies in classrooms and training rooms. 
The partnership with Mediasite lets the participating institutions connect any number of their Mediasite video capture solutions to Ankabut’s secure, 集中管理Mediasite部署. This provides institutions a scalable in-country infrastructure to record, deliver and manage video. 机构可以通过Ankabut直接购买Mediasite, 谁将为他们托管部署. 
“Ankabut’s partnership with 声波铸造 aims at offering the education sector in UAE a video communication platform to be consumed as a cloud software service that leverages Ankabut’s high speed NREN network, 以及Ankabut云服务,Fahem Al Nuaimi说, 首席执行官, Ankabut. “Mediasite will enable education institutions to optimize costs, improve efficiency and focus on their usage of videos such as lecture capture, 视频流和共享. The availability of this platform for academic institutions in UAE enhances their distance learning solutions amid the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Mediasite’s Lipps will present “Enable Digital Learning Campus-Wide with Mediasite Video” on 18, 五月。 Ankabut虚拟用户会议2020
5人信任,200所教育机构, 公司, 65个国家的卫生组织和政府实体, the Mediasite video content 管理 and webcasting system quickly and cost-effectively automates the capture, 管理, 提供和搜索直播和点播视频. 
Ankabut is the United Arab Emirates’ Advanced National 研究 and Education Network (NREN) offering academic institutions connectivity to other education networks around the world. 除了连接大学, Ankabut can connect schools and public institutions together across the UAE with an effective cost model. Ankabut也在全国范围内合作, 海湾合作委员会, regional and international arena representing the UAE in conferences, 展览及论坛. Ankabut aims to offer professional and innovative IT services with a focus on the research and educational sector. 服务包括云, 连接, IT基础设施, 管理服务和专业服务,如IT咨询, 项目管理, 许可证, 培训及发展. Ankabut interconnects more than 80 tenants with a 10G backbone and 1G access links.  It enables a closed community network that allows the transfer of real-time services such as voice and video communication, time-critical services such as grid computing interconnect (cloud computing), 公共互联网服务, 虚拟主机(C面板), 联合定位, Edu -漫游, 高性能计算(HPC), 学习管理系统(LMS), 虚拟桌面接口(VDI), Mozoon系统和Sierra图书馆管理系统.
Ankabut支持电子学习环境中的倡议, library content and distribution systems and research collaboration.  Ankabut believes that identifying these initiatives and offering network, processing and storage support is the best way to develop a collective collaborative approach to research and education. The Ankabut Project is jointly funded by ICT Fund, Khalifa University and member support. Ankabut is managed by Khalifa University, and the 首席执行官 of Ankabut is Mr. Fahem Al Nuaimi.
关于声波铸造, Inc.
声波铸造 (OTC: SOFO) is the global leader for video capture, 管理 and streaming solutions. 5人以上信任,200所教育机构, 公司, health organizations and government entities in over 65 countries, its Mediasite Video Platform quickly and cost-effectively automates the capture, 管理, 提供和搜索直播和点播流媒体视频. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.mediasite.com 和@mediasite.