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Telstra Awarded DPP Committed to Sustainability Mark Building on the Company’s Environmental Programme

Telstra’s commitment to operating as a responsible and sustainable business has today been recognised by the Digital Production Partnership (DPP) Committed to Sustainability Programme, an industry leading scheme celebrating and promoting good practice in


Telstra’s commitment to operating as a responsible and sustainable business has today been recognised by the Digital Production Partnership (DPP) Committed to Sustainability Programme, an industry leading scheme celebrating and promoting good practice in environmental sustainability, 整个媒体行业.

“We’re delighted that Telstra has joined an increasing number of companies that are demonstrating their fantastic commitment to building an environmentally sustainable media industry,” said DPP CEO, 马克•哈里森. “And by scoring the maximum five out of five they're leading the way, driving our industry towards continuous improvement and good practice.”

Central to this achievement is Telstra’s sustainability strategy (the Strategy), 它包括三个关键支柱的几个目标:

  • 负责任的企业——做一个可持续的企业, 全球值得信赖的公司,人们愿意为之工作
  • 数字化的未来——培育强大, inclusive communities that are empowered to thrive in a digital world
  • Environmental solutions - to use technology to address environmental challenges and help our suppliers, 客户和社区也是如此

澳洲电信的可持续性, External Affairs and Legal (SEAL) team works across the business to drive progress against the Strategy and manage sustainability-related risks and opportunities. 除此之外, the company’s Telstra Climate Executives Group oversees the climate change work program, and a Telstra Audit and Risk Committee oversees climate risk management and makes recommendations to the Telstra Board on targets. 

2019年12月, Telstra announced its commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 in line with the Paris Agreement. It set further ambitious climate goals only a few months later in March 2020:

  • 到2020年实现碳中和
  • Enable renewable energy generation equivalent to 100% of our consumption by 2025
  • 到2030年,我们的绝对排放量至少减少50% 

已经, Telstra is Australia’s largest corporate purchaser of electricity from renewable projects connected to the grid under project-specific agreements. 而这些项目的输出将进入总网格池, 而不是直接进入其设施, these agreements play a role in providing the investment certainty to enable these projects to proceed. As the grid itself increases its proportion of renewable energy due to agreements with Telstra and others, the power that flows into its facilities from the grid also becomes greener.

Projects Telstra have agreements with include the landmark sites Murra Warra Wind Farm and the Emerald Solar Park, which generate renewable energy equivalent to the energy consumption of 255,000户家庭. It will continue to build on this work and invest in renewable energy generation.

Effective waste management is an important component of Telstra’s overall sustainability strategy. Of 9,去年的商业废物总量为906吨, 只有3,715吨最终被填埋, 仅仅37个.占商业废物总量的5%. This number is heading in the right direction too and is 15% down on the year before.

“We’re looking to improve that even more by continuing to reduce waste from our operations and increasing the reuse and recycling of materials. 百家乐软件效率为我们创造了创新的机会, and this year we have focused on redesigning our customer packaging to incorporate sustainable design principles. Noting that e-waste is one of the fastest growing types of waste in the world, we have also explored ways to increase e-waste recycling of both our customer devices and our network equipment,卡洛斯·法里亚斯说, 市场开发主管, 澳洲电讯广播服务.

澳大利亚电信为所有供应商制定了《百家乐app下载》, which sets out the minimum standards it expects from them and forms part of its standard purchasing terms. The Code was updated in February 2020 to include enhanced requirements in relation to climate change, 负责任的矿物采购, 以及员工申诉程序. A supplier’s ability to meet or exceed our minimum standards set out in the Code is a key consideration for Telstra when we make purchasing decisions. 


As well as the DPP Committed to Sustainability Mark, 澳大利亚电信被列入CDP的全球气候变化指数a级名单, demonstrating its leadership on environmental transparency and performance.

Telstra continues to strive forward to make the company more sustainable and believes that sustainability as a whole will become a more central discussion in the industry. 近年来, 澳洲电讯广播服务团队已经看到远程生产采用的增加, which has environmental benefits due to the reduction in travel emissions and power-use.

欲了解更多详情,请下载Telstra的 2020年可持续发展报告 which contains full details of our sustainability strategy and achievements.