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回顾:Blackmagic设计HyperDeck Studio HD Plus

如果您从事录制和流媒体会议的业务, Blackmagic设计HyperDeck工作室可能是一个不可或缺的工具.

百家乐软件app最新版下载的工作, you generally have two kinds of shoots: single-camera and multi-camera. 在一般情况下, the client will want the footage recorded for a video to be delivered on demand, 或者保存高质量的直播记录.  而大多数摄像机都可以内部直播, 有些人喜欢佳能XF705, 不能同时录制和流媒体. 对于多镜头拍摄,你有一个切换器, 还有个别摄像机的录像, you can often reduce your editing time by recording the program output of the switcher. 的 HyperDeck Studio HD Plus 是完成这些任务的好工具吗, whether you are shooting in a studio or in a fixed location in a venue. 在许多情况下,这个单元很难在现场使用, 即使它有12v直流输入和交流电源.

单位本身(图1) is not terribly large, about the size of a large shell U-Matic video tape.  的 controls are pretty straightforward to anyone familiar with traditional record, 玩, 停止, 倒带, 快进控制. In addition, there is a button for toggling between the HDMI and SDI inputs.

图1. Blackmagic设计HyperDeck Studio HD Plus前面板


用于设置设备, there are menu and set buttons that are assisted by a jog shuttle knob at the far 钻井平台ht of the front panel that helps move through the various menu items on the 2" video monitor. 的 monitor dis玩s the video being input or 玩ed back, along with VU meters for the audio.  有一个1/4英寸的耳机插孔用于监听音频. 如果你没有耳机, you can push and hold the speaker button on the upper left to activate a small mono speaker, 这样你就可以确认你收到了声音.  一旦你放手,它就会关闭. 

的 most important thing that you will do in the menu is set the codec. 你有三个选择:H.264, Pro Res和DNxHD (Avid). H有四种质量设置.264,但是你不能录制4K. 如果你想输出4K H.264 file you must record it first in Pro Res or DNxHD then have it encoded as 4K through another program. 的 next most important thing would be setting the correct number of audio channels.

一旦你设置好所有的录音参数, 开始录音, 你所需要做的就是点击录制按钮. 的 unit itself detects the incoming resolution, so that is pretty simple. 我使用了连接到Blackmagic输出的HyperDeck Teranex 表达 将标准清晰度提升到高清,这相当简单. 的 HyperDeck Studio HD Plus detects the larger resolution, then adjusts the codec bitrate to match. 当与Teranex 表达一起使用该设备时,可以提高分辨率, 你需要确保你使用了Teranex设置. 否则,您将获得不稳定的视频,没有视频或四分之一屏幕输出. If you’re outputting video over 1080p resolution, these settings are imperative. 第一个, 确保输出设置为12G, 而不是“12G四分频”,,它在两个输出和环路之间划分图像. 下一个, 将引用设置为“外部”,即使你没有外部同步输入到连接器. This drove me crazy for over a year until I finally got the correct advice from their tech support.


I have been using the HyperDeck Studio HD Plus in my transfer system to digitize old videotapes, 到目前为止,它运行得完美无缺. 与Teranex 表达 (下面的图2)—or presumably other standards converters—the Hyperdeck can definitely deliver a boost for your business.??  

图2. My transfer setup with the HyperDeck Studio Plus (top) and Teranex 表达 (bottom)

Since the HyperDeck Studio HD Plus has only digital HDMI and SDI inputs, 如果你想使用模拟源, 你需要一个模数转换器. Blackmagic Design制作了许多 迷你转换器; one I find useful is the Analog-to-SDI converter.  还有其他几个人来自 AJA,以及其他不同质量的品牌.


对于现场使用,HyperDeck具有12v, 4引脚XLR电源输入. 如果我要在战场上使用它, 没有交流电源的地方, I’d probably use the adapter for my old Anton/Bauer camera batteries and adapt it to plug into the 12v plug. 如果您需要为现场使用而设计的现场记录仪,我推荐 Blackmagic Design的视频辅助监视器.


When working with the HyperDeck you have a lot of flexibility for recording media. 的re are two SDXC slots in front and a USB-C port on the rear panel (下面的图3).

图3. HyperDeck Studio HD Plus后面板

对H.264录制,几乎任何V30 SDXC卡都可以工作. 对于UHD ProRes或DNxHD录制,您将需要V90卡. 我使用 OWC Atlas 256GB卡 to record ProRes of a wedding video I transferred from Umatic to 4K Pro Res for a client. 我还喜欢用USB-C接口连接便携式SSD.

I connected the LaCie Rugged 500GB and their 2 TB Portable SSD for longer recording jobs. HyperDeck Studio非常适合在现场录制长时间的工作, 而且不用担心卡满后换卡. 对于标准定义H的转移.264, 2TB的存储卡可以记录超过360小时! 的 only issue I had with these LaCie drives was that the 2TB drive liked to be formatted on a Mac as Ex-FAT to be seen by the HyperDeck.


这款设备有什么不喜欢的地方吗? 我只发现了一件困扰我的事情:没有电源开关. 一旦你插入HyperDeck Studio,它就启动了. If you want to turn it off, you must unplug it, which depending on your setup, can be a real hassle. I’m not sure how much Blackmagic saved in manufacturing costs for this, 但我不敢相信这是值得的. 

总的来说,我发现HyperDeck Studio的设置和使用都很简单. 录制的视频质量很好. 我现在的H.264编码设置使用Blackmagic Design H.264 Pro录音机连接到旧的HP Z800工作站. HyperDeck Studio HD Plus占据了十分之一的空间.

I can easily see integrating it into my transfer setup and using it for recording the multiple conferences I shoot during the year. Being able to record the mix of multiple cameras and PowerPoint presentations off the switcher to the HyperDeck Studio HD Plus, 带着硬盘记录了一整天, 这比同时使用多张SD卡要好得多.

如果您从事录制和流媒体会议的业务, Blackmagic设计HyperDeck工作室可能是一个不可或缺的工具.

在这篇评论中,我们将看看Blackmagic Design的7英寸12G视频辅助. 比如视频辅助系列中的5英寸和3G型号, this compact monitor-recorder is designed to go out into the field and attach to the camera, 钻井平台, 或三脚架. It allows you to see your shot better than a small viewfinder or pop-out LCD that's rarely larger than three four inches on most pro camcorders. 的 Video Assist also enables you to record your footage in high-quality ProRes or HD|NX at resolutions up to 4Kp60.
黑魔设计电视工作室的ATEM HD8(2美元),995美元)和HD8 ISO(3美元),995)是一体化高清视频切换/广播控制面板. On their own they are very capable HD video 转换器 suitable for studio installations and remote productions. 的 magic with these 转换器 is that when paired with other supported Blackmagic gear, they can unlock unique production workflow solutions that are easy to implement and go well beyond what you would expect a desktop video switcher to be able to do on its own.
Bob Caniglia of Blackmagic Design talks with 马克·富兰克林 about Blackmagic's latest cameras, 转换器, 并在NAB 2023的演讲中解决.
顺便去NAB 2023的Blackmagic设计摊位, 流媒体和SLV Live的肖恩·林接受了鲍勃·卡尼利亚的采访, 黑魔法公司的销售运营总监, 北美, 来谈谈ATEM电视演播室切换者的动态阵容, 高亮显示, 当然, 在今年的展会上首次亮相的最新型号, 美丽的4.