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在高清摄像机不断缩小的时代, 高清手机, 和数码单反相机, 你可能会问, 为什么会有人需要一个肩扛式高清摄像机? 是大量的I/O插孔吗? 人体工程学的? Or the easy access to numerous features in a big camera sort of way that enamor the Panasonic AG-HMC80 to its target end users? 让我们来看看.
专题文章, 2012年2月10日发布


格莱美奖也受到了潮人的抨击, 但随着CD和最近的门票销售持续下滑, finding ways to "eventize" the concert experience and create a recording of it that can offer continuous revenue streams going forward might be Grammy's biggest contribution yet to keeping the music business as we know it alive.
专题文章, 2012年2月10日发布

回顾:ViewCast Niagara 2120实时编码设备

3美元的竞争性价格,995, ViewCast是可移植的, multistream Niagara 2120 should be on the short list of any company or service bureau producing high volumes of on-location live H.264年网络广播.
专题文章, 发布于2012年2月1日


How do you get all the different cameras you might use to cover an event to match? There is a trick you can use to set up a color profile for each of the cameras, and then use the corrections established there to correct for the rest of the footage from your project.
专题文章, 发布于2012年2月1日


HD video mixers aren't cheap, but they do offer amazing functionality inside compact boxes. 我在一次颁奖典礼上试用了松下AV-HS400N. 我发现了很多喜欢的东西, 还有一些小问题, and look forward to technologies like this becoming more affordable in the years to come.
专题文章, 发布于2012年2月1日

回顾:罗兰VR-5 A/V混音器

罗兰的VR-5 A/V混频器具有多个视频输入, 内部媒体播放器, 计算机输入和转换, 内置音频混音器, 两个集成的液晶显示器看到视频输入, 输出和各种设备设置, and the ability to internally record your program output while also sending your program to a laptop for streaming--all for an MSRP of $4,995.
专题文章, 发布于2012年2月1日


Jon Connor和Cristina Valdivieso, 两位来自费城的著名电影制作人, went to Los Angeles in June to shadow World Light Welterweight boxing champion Amir Khan as he prepared for his title unification bout, 为英国的按次付费广播拍摄镜头. Stephen Nathans-Kelly描述了他们是如何成功的.
专题文章, 发布于2012年1月23日


有一波生的, demolike one-take music videos with an unmistakable live feel sweeping the web, 一些精明的活动制片人也投身其中. Here we look behind the scenes of Bill Grant's boneshow and Jet Kaiser's One Take Shows, 让他们对这个新, 病毒田间记录现象.
专题文章, 发布于2012年1月18日


Streaming concerts and other live events has established Ryan Bodie's Studio 26 as the go-to live event webcast provider in his region and in some key entertainment areas, ranging from concert series in the spring to festivals in the summer and one-off arena gigs like a Chaka Khan show. 博迪估计他的团队会开枪, 开关, 每年直播80场活动, 其中可能有一半与音乐有关.
专题文章, 发布于2012年1月17日


2010年5月8日,Jan Ozer制作了他的第一次网络直播. 和其他事情一样, he learned some huge lessons that didn't become obvious until he was there in the chair, 现场直播. If you've got your first live webcast coming up, perhaps you'll find them useful.
专题文章, 发布于2012年1月16日

制作会议视频Pt. 4:现场交付和后期制作

当你直播你的活动时会发生什么? 这对电视直播公司来说并不新鲜, but more and more event video producers are being asked to perform their postproduction activities in real-time—that is, 在事件发生时现场直播.
专题文章, 发布于2012年1月16日

制作会议视频Pt. 3:拍摄演示和指导现场开关

Award-winning producer Shawn Lam looks at two key elements of the process: capturing multimedia presentations effectively for both live-switched productions and post-produced edits, and how to become a successful technical director of a live-switched shoot, whether for IMAG delivery or providing a live feed for broadcast or webcast.
专题文章, 发布于2012年1月16日

制作会议视频Pt. 2:灯光和音频

Award-winning producer Shawn Lam looks at the art and science of stage lighting and the challenges of making lighting designed for performance work for video. He also discusses the meat-and-potatoes things you need to know for microphone selection and successful live-recorded conference audio.
专题文章, 发布于2012年1月16日

制作会议视频Pt. 1:设置

无论你是在拍摄一个会议, 一个会议, 或周年股东大会, the setup of the shoot is one of the most important parts of the production process. 这是你选择设备的步骤, 设置好相机位置, 铺设电缆, 检查你的音响和灯光.
专题文章, 发布于2012年1月15日


为了牵牛星和人类的故事, 大学体育网络节目的核心是讲故事, and their theme-driven style is getting them lucrative gigs with top college programs.
专题文章, 2012年1月11日发布


For any professional online video producer who is looking to jump into corporate work, 制作公司会议集锦是一个很好的开始. Here Edit 1 Media's Chris Randall explains how producing videos for Aegis Living's annual corporate meetings has grown in complexity and profitability over the years.
专题文章, 2012年1月11日发布


Son网 has crafted a beautiful solution for rapid footage offload that gives your laptop far more connectivity, 权力, 和前所未有的能力. The system is solid, and in pure professional parlance, it does what it says it can do. Qio是, 据安东尼·布罗卡斯说, the most useful professional video production accessory for a laptop-enabled tapeless live production workflow that you can get.
专题文章, 2012年1月11日发布


Anthony Burokas goes behind the scenes at NASA TV to shadow an event video crew that's responsible for bringing launches live to the world.
专题文章, 2012年1月10日发布

回顾:数字急流TouchStream 1.2

TouchStream 1.2是一个更强大的升级到数字急流的紧凑型, touchscreen-enabled live encoding box that is head-and-shoulders above similar devices when it comes to "权力-up and encode" in just a few simple steps.
专题文章, 2012年1月10日发布

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